Friday, January 23, 2009

Merchandising off of Emotion

Why, why, why does it always come to this? Why is money more important than anything to some people?

With the intensity and options cable/satellite/escape TV brings, I find myself watching less and less local news. So, unfortunately, I have begun listening to the radio in order to stay connected to my local roots. Why did they have a story on this morning about a so-called minister who duped a group of children from a local Detroit school into believing he could get them front row tickets to the inauguration and several music gigs (this is a school music group, I believe) as well?

I didn't see it on the local news and I only heard the portion of the report that played, but the major thing today was, "things have to change."

Duh. I mean, we knew that, right? Things have to change. Change we can believe in. Etc.

At issue, the hostess reminded the callers, was who bears the responsibility for checking out this fiasco. Basically, how did it get this far? Callers blamed the school, the duplicitous preacher, the children, but only a few redirected the blame or accountability, if you will, back to the parents.

I am not a poster child for parent of the year. And this situation made me think: would I be gullible enough to listen and kow tow to the pressure of my ten year old or five year olds to do something that seemed ill-advised all in the name of keeping up with the Joneses? Staying current? Being relevant?

I would like to think that I wouldn't. How many times, though, does the child bring a slip of paper (goldenrod is the main color for K-2, it seems) and there isn't enough time taken to read it thoroughly? Or the response is due on Monday and your child throws it at you in the parking lot of the school while there are six cars waiting behind you and whines, "hurry, mom! I need it NOW!"

I would like to think that following up on my child's school activities is more important to me than a business meeting, a conference call, a rendez-vous at Starbucks, or even an additional 15 minutes of sleep in the morning.

I hope I pass the test when it is my turn to take it.

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